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It's all about ME :D Apple ♥
Monday, June 2, 2014

Hi guys or ghosts,
Ive been meaning to update this little blog of mine for a long long long time after my final exams but I just didnt get the right PUSH to do so.
Before this post, there were plenty almost successful pushes (A LOT) but nothing beats today...

But before anything, here are the things I have been doing for the past.. idk.


After my last post, i got into a relationship with my baby which ruined relationships and god may just punish me for this.


I graduated from my degree in International Business and Marketing from the University of West England and Taylor's University. 


I moved house.

These are the three biggest life events that occurred in the past two years.
So here I am, urging to rant about the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE.

The moment of truth:
I failed to pass Shell's Interview which is the third stage of the Shell Graduate Program Application.

I received the news from them this afternoon while cooking my lunch. I read the e-mail and I couldn't cook any longer. This e-mail, shattered my greatest and biggest dream.

As you may know. I would definitely not know the reason or cause of my failure. Yes, questions came flowing through my head:

Am I that not worthy or not good enough?

Here comes to the reflection: Apply for other companies first to gain the right and adequate experience you need to go for interviews or assessments, before applying for the one you truly desire.

When you come out to the working world. You can no longer act as your young playful self. You need to say the right things and of course act more professionally. And when you finally get a job, you can't be dancing on the podium no longer. So students, live your life.
It's not to say that going out and going into the working world is a bad thing. But definitely, things have to change; your level of maturity, communication skills and what not.

Who knows whats coming ahead for me. All I know from this experience is that I want to succeed even more. And till the time I can finally be successful, I will try to make everyday count.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

hey there minions,
so it's bn another 10years.
this post, is dedicated to my foolishness.

erm.... so..
ah im so lost in words.
i dont even feel like saying what i feel like saying anymore.
i dont even know what to say anymore when everything i wanted to say was so clear earlier then.
i quoted a few song lyrics in this post just now but i feel id better not put it, for safety purposes.

lets make this Plain and Simple.

it's that stupid phase of life again.
that stupidd STUPIDDD phase...
it's so stupid this time that it cant be any more stupid. get it?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

sigh, i dont really know what to do now...
im bringing myself further and further away. but it's just because i dont like their self-centeredness and not-giving personality...
if only i could see more love in them, then only maybe will i be forgiving...
Friday, June 17, 2011

Blogging before finals
i have to say that im really lazy to study for finals D:
no mood...
but yeah...
this post is dedicated to boredom and lifeless-ness -.-
ive been so bored lately, that i stare blankly at the screen and think about nothing.
ive been so bored lately, that i think about stupid things that make myself miserable. -.-
ive been so bored lately, that i on the lappy and stay on fb and twitter even tho there's nothing
ive been so bored lately, that i feel so stressed for being bored and not stress? -.-

butbut! i have also been not so bored! hehehh...
but most, of the time, bored hahahaaaaa...

Teddy Bear's bliss...

anyways, speaking of Teddy Bears
can i like, patent or copyright, the ownership of all teddy bears? lol
i dont want anyone else having one..
coz they're all mine!
ok i make no sense, tatas! :3
Saturday, May 28, 2011

anyways, tdy, i fould a really big tick on baby and got goosebumps :S
i get freakin goosebumps killing them D:

it was such an unprogressive day.
didnt study, and so im studying now, while blogging, while fb-ing, while twitter-ing and while youtube ryanhiga-ing @@
ltr, imma watch a movie called (i forgot) at 11 which means, no more studying and more slacking.

stupid QM assignment, i dont hv a clue on what to do or where to start.
going bongkers just thinking about it.

bball in the morning was awesome as teddy bear was there :D ah he shoooo cute and teddy like, i wanna squish him so hard he cant breathe but i cant coz im not strong enough anyways lols
too bad we didnt get to eat together :(
he wanted to sleep.
guesss he didnt sleep at all the previous night
if i could, i would be with him all day, all night to keep myself laughing and smiling at all times :D :3
i wanna ask him if he would be my teddy bear LOLOLOLOLs

for my other teddy, the you know who, ah he's so teddy like i wanna squish him till he cant breathe also...
nono, i want him to squish me @.@

oh teddy bears
oh you teddy bear material
teddy bear
i love teddy bears,

chocolates, flowers, hugs and kisses :D

lol my blog is so fugly LOL

the title says it all babes~

it's the first time ive ever fallen so hard for someone.

and for this first time, i was let down.

it's because, i let myself open up, seeing and *assuming that there was hope.

but i was wrong.

those signs, were all lies.

it was all only just a game for you.

it's really fun huh, messing with my feelings?

telling me you like me but on the other side, saying you love someone else.

and plus, you dont do this silently but openly for me to see.

This is total BS.

It’s not nice.

I never thought that you were this kind of person.

You have no idea how much this hurts.

At times, it just tears me apart.

But you'll never know how much pain i felt.

Don’t give people false hope.

Or was it not false hope in the first place?

It was all just a game for you.

Taking in the attention you were given, well who wouldn’t like it if someone liked them.

What can’t you just tell me, no.

And not go on causing me misery?

Im a human being with feelings.

Not just a toy with any heart.

But I’ve gotta be strong.

Breaking down for something like this is not worth it.

To me, you’ll never be the same person I knew before.

I thought I was someone dear to you.

And that you would just tell me the truth to stop loving you and move on.

But you didn’t and I believed it still could be.

And then you wouldn’t.

But this time, I realized, after all the pain and misery, that this was all just a lie.

you've found someone else and i shouldn't impose.

Now, everything’s so clear already.

Even someone blind can see.

it's just a fact that this love is one-sided.

and nothing can be done.

so be it.

Now, my faith in you has gone to the dumps.

And when the time comes when you finally get together with her,

I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it.

So, I’ve gotta brace myself for the worst.

I need sometime alone, to forget about this.

To forget about you.

Although I will miss you, I will somehow move on.

And find someone better.

Someone who would make me proud to have him by my side.

Someone who would show me all his love and not have me begging.

Someone who need me not to even try.

Someone who wouldn’t make me cry.

So when that time comes, hopefully ill have someone new in my life.

And that someone would be light to a happy future.

After all, im not JUST a girl.

Im ethel, and you know I deserve more than this.

Friday, April 8, 2011

the stupidest thing in life, is to be dissed for not satisfying... u know, the vulnerable me inside, is so fragile, that, i suppose, no one can to protect it... the eccentric me, im so undefineable, that, i suppose, no one can comprehend... and, the clueless me, with no experience, that, i suppose, no one can hold...